We are pleased to welcome a new member of the Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia – Spoon Museum. The founder of the museum is Filonenko Tatiana Vladimirovna.
In 1996, the Filonenko family received their first souvenir spoon, brought back from a business trip to Paris. For the next 10 years, all gifts from family and friends were predetermined – they were spoons! The inspiration for creating a collection of spoons came from the memory of my father’s spoon, which he had kept since his service in the army from 1944-1951. This spoon was revered in our family as the most valuable and important relic! Thus, the home Spoon Museum was born, with the participation of parents, children, relatives, and acquaintances. And I was the main keeper, designer, and accountant.
In 2019, after retiring, I decided to share my accumulated knowledge about spoons with a wide range of visitors and founded the Spoon Museum at the Zvenigorodskiy boarding house, where I had worked for almost 20 years.
In our museum, the simple and everyday household item – the spoon – will tell you about the basics of moral culture and everyday life of the peoples of Russia, about more than 80 countries around the world, about celebrities and famous historical figures. And there is much more interesting information in the fields of geography, history, art, and science. During the tours, you will learn how the spoon-making industry developed in Russia, what family traditions and moral values were present in everyday life, proverbs and sayings about spoons that have survived to this day, what etiquette was observed at the table, and what rules we still follow today. You will also learn that in addition to ordinary table and tea spoons, there are more than 100 spoons for special purposes. And most importantly, you will see that the spoon is a very important element of human civilization!
Tours are always accompanied by quests and (upon request) master classes.
The spoon collection includes more than 2,000 pieces, with over 1,000 items on display.
The Spoon Museum is divided into six sections:
– Spoon evolution
– Spoon for dinner
– Antique spoons
– Spoons of wartime
– Spoons of celebrities
– Souvenir spoon
Address of the museum:
Akademicheskiy lane 1, Zvenigorod, Odintsovo city, Moscow region
Tel.::+7 (906) 084-68-48, +7 (495) 992-53-68