We are pleased to welcome a new member of the Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia – Museum “Spirit of time”. The founder of the museum is Sergey Ivanovich Ganzha.
The author of the idea – Ganja Sergey Ivanovich. It all started with a pioneer badge, then a variety of items and different acessories appeared.
There are exhibitions, educational and patriotic activities, cultivation of civic position and love for the Motherland.
The museum’s collection is extensive: everyday life items, World War II, USSR, archaeology items, audio and video equipment from the USSR, etc. The most significant exhibits are stone arrowheads, cores, remains of pottery, a massive aluminium spoon from 1895-1915 found on the site of the monastery, a royal seal of the village headman from 1905, “Bogoslov”, a chest with embossing of the 33rd Siberian Rifle Regiment from 1889-1911, a meteorite from 2008.
Address of the museum: Altai region, Rodinskij district, Shatalovka village.
Tel.: +7 (923) 751-73-76
E-mail: sergey.ganzha.66@mail.ru