Museum of Ancient Tools

Saint Petersburg

Contact information

Saint Petersburg, Ul. Vozrozhdeniya, building 20A

Tel.: +7 (800) 555-55-94


Operating hours

Monday – Saturday: from 9:00 to 18:00

Ticket price


Founder of the museum

Sergey Gololobov



About museum

The museum’s collection is based on the tools of the private workshops of the employees of the company Rubankov.Net. Displayed as a decoration in the company’s showrooms, the tools have always attracted the attention of customers; many of them brought their tools and donated them to the company. Gradually, the collection grew, and therefore it was decided to allocate a separate room for it, which lead to the development of the Museum of Ancient Tools.

The Museum of Ancient Tools contains a magnificent collection of planes, saws, rulers, hammers, keys, chisels, tongs, clamps, and turntables, collected from all over the world. The purpose of the museum is to give visitors an idea of the level of development of means of production from the 18th – 20th centuries in such crafts as carpentry, leather work, and metalworking.