The Auto Theft Museum named after Ruslan Dultsev-Detochkin

Altai Region

Contact information

Operating hours

from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m

Ticket price

350 rubles for adults

600 rubles for a family ticket (2 adults and 1 or 2 children)

150 rubles for a group of 10 people

Free admission for preschool children (up to 7 years old)

The founder of the Museum

Gridina Valentina Ivanovna



About museum

The opening of the museum took place on the 17th of December 2003 and was timed in accordance to the Day of the Rescuer. The museum was opened in Barnaul by the public organization «Rescue Services» of Barnaul. «Rescue Services» provides tow truck services, the opening of locks for cars, offices, garages, safes, apartments and so on, and is an information reference for organizations in the city.

The Auto Theft Museum named after Ruslan Dultsev-Detochkin is located in the city of Barnaul on the street of Anatolia, house number 130 and is the only museum of its kind in Russia.

The museum will be of interest to people from 3 to 93 years old! The museum(*you shouldn’t capitalize words like “museum” unless you are writing their proper names) showcases hacking tools, anti-theft tools, foreign car models, and the domestic automobile industry, and includes a mini-exhibition of vehicles from sledges to motorcycles and retro cars. Every year the museum takes an active part in the all-Russian campaign «Night of the Museums».

The museum’s collection includes: GAZ-M-20 «Victory»(1956), ZAZ-968M “Zaporozhets”(1979), GAZ-66 (1976), Service for the Transport of Damaged Cars (SPAS), KP-130 «Field kitchen» (1980), a complete self – made vehicle drive-up device for the transportation of damaged cars (1997), ZAZ 965-“humpback Zaporozhets” (1954) , car «Volga» GAZ-21 (1958), motorcycle «IZH-Planeta» (1965), motorcycles «Ural» and «Moskvich» 403 (1962), as well as various means of hacking and protection from theft.